Let us begin by asking a series of important questions, to determine if you may need to review your circle of 5 and who is in it. These are questions you will want to ask for all those within your circle.
Are they supportive? Are they truthful? Are they generally positive or negative? Do they have strive for success themselves? Are they driven? Do they talk positive or negative? Can you rely on them? Are they there when you need them? Do talk more than they listen? Do they offer knowledge and information you do not have? Are they like-minded?
Granted... the above questions are not entirely what you should base your circle of 5 decisions on, as of course there are many other factors. However I personally use the above as a good indication to whether I add/keep within my circle of 5 and expand, or whether I keep them as an outside friendship/acquaintance.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
I believe it is so important for our personal growth and health that first and foremost, all our 5 within our circle are positive people! This is the deciding factor for me personally. For example: "If I am having a really good day, momentum is high and I go to meet say someone within my circle of 5 and their not positive, it can bring my mood crashing down! Typically because the conversation is negative and this is nothing I want be involved in or around"
In order for us to grow we need, positivity, stimulation of the mind and a supportive network!
Lets look at the types of people you should be spending time with in order to:
Make you a better person
Support you
Push you to meet your goals
Inspire you
Help you transform

Some visionaries may be seen as unrealistic or undisciplined, but they can also be insightful visionaries. They think of things that others do not. They help you imagine "The What If". Dreamers have a strong tendency to be highly creative and they make you believe that everything is possible and with this sense of feeling, you can join the exciting journey of believing anything is possible.
The DRIVER brings dreams and goals to reality. They understand the bigger picture, but they have the talent and reasoning to break it down into actionable steps. They are results-oriented and are usually decisive, therefore time is not wasted and in return action is taken. These are the types of people that can bring exciting projects together.
This is the true friend, the one who understand you as a person and why you do what you do. This is the person with whom you can let your guard down. The person who offers a listening ear. They are your comfort zone. They are your safe haven. Comfort is not all that bad at times; just remember that you still have to reach for more. This person will be there with you as you journey through life and they will journey with you. They are excited when you realise success and support you in times of need.
This is your voice of inspiration. They keep pushing you to meet your goals. They help you understand that goals are met more frequently when they are tied to a “higher purpose.” This person infuses you with energy and enthusiasm. This person talks nothing but positivity and you cannot get enough of the inspirational feeling they leave you with, almost some what of an ego boost. (Humble ego-boost that is)
To summarise and clearly state all of the above:
A dreamer will help you dream it.
A driver will turn dreams into reality.
A motivator will inspire you every step of the way.
A supporter will never leave your side, through good and bad times.
A devil’s advocate will cut through the BS and tell you the real deal.
I hope you enjoyed this blog.
